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  • Writer's pictureMeisha Greer

Trouble Don't Last Always

Tiffany and Donta became homeless due to water and maintenance damage at their house that their landlord refused to fix. It got so bad that Tiffany had to go to the hospital to get treated for skin damage because of the water being infected. So, they decided not to renew their lease when it was up. Since they had nowhere to go after moving out, they had to move their family into a hotel for 5 months until they were able to come to Family Promise. When Tiffany and Donta came into Family Promise they both had a lot of obstacles that they wanted to overcome together and individually. With the help of their case manager and Family Promise staff, they were able to overcome all they set out to achieve.

Donta had a very extensive background that stopped him from getting the jobs he wanted and starting a career for himself. This was a difficult barrier that Donta was struggling with, but even this hardship could not stop Donta. His case manager learned that he was good at fixing things and is a quick learner. So, she connected Donta with Family Promise's maintenance company, Aulden Knight Painting/Restoration Inc. With all the training and help he received from this company, Donta has made a career as a laborer/Maintenance Technician. He also went back to school to get his GED. Tiffany has found a position at a nursing home. With the help United Way's Financial Empowerment Center, they are on track with budgeting and saving their money.


It was getting harder and harder for them to find a house because no one would call them back or some of the places were out of their price range. They could not get approved for AMHA housing because of Donta's background, so they had to look for private housing. They were starting to get discouraged but, as always they pushed themselves and kept looking. Within a few weeks they secured a three bedroom house for their family. Family Promise has helped Tiffany and Donta's family with case management, referrals, shelter, food cards, and rental assistance.

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