Mary, James and two young children entered Family Promise after staying in a hotel for almost a year. Mary and James obtained custody of their daughter’s three children due to drug issues. The couple and their grandchildren became homeless after the family was scammed out of money and could not pay their rent. The family had a Housing Choice Voucher but was unable to find a landlord to rent to them due to the recent eviction and the lack of housing inventory. James suffers from Alzheimer’s and Dementia and needs additional care. Mary and James had planned to move to Florida to retire prior to obtaining custody of the grandchildren. They gave up their dream to give their grandchildren a better life, but they were now faced with homelessness. Mary worked very hard to keep everyone together and healthy. After only a couple of days in shelter, the family finally got a break – they had secured housing in a public housing facility close to the kids’ school. After only nine days, the family was back in a stable housing environment. The youngest grandchild was in custody with Summit County Children Services until housing was secured. Thanks to Family Promise, the family has been reunited!
Erica Ward Cherry, MSW