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What is the Glendora House for Homeless Families with Children?

The Glendora House is an apartment building which was builtin the 1920s. It is located at the corner of Glendora Avenue and Copley Road next to the John R. Buchtel Community Learning Center.

Ownership and Operation

The building is owned by the Battered Women’s Shelter of Summit & Medina Counties. Family Promise of Summit County took possession of The Glendora House from Battered Women’s Shelter of Summit & Medina Counties on April 4, 2018 via a Memorandum of Understanding executed between the two organizations. Battered Women’s Shelter is, and will remain, the owner of the property. Family Promise of Summit County will occupy and operate the building to shelter its clients, homeless families with children, for many years to come.

Increased Capacity to Serve Homeless Families with Children

The Glendora House will compliment our existing, congregation-based Rotation Model of services and assist Family Promise in serving more families. It will also allow us to serve larger families of five members or more. The addition of the Glendora House will allow us to increase the number of families served at one time from four, using our congregation-based Rotation Model of services, to up to 13 homeless families with children!

Building Details

The Glendora House is a four-story building. The ground floor will include a laundry room, children’s learning and play space and computer room for families, similar to our Day Center on Voris Street.

Children's Learning and Play Space

It will also hold a case management office where families will develop their Sustainable Independence Plans, as well as receive financial literacy education and Open Table Mentoring Services. We will continue to work with the University of Akron’s School of Social Work to offer valuable internships for their students. In order to meet the needs of the increased number of families served, we are going to hire a part-time case manager this Spring.

Lastly, the ground floor will contain an Emergency Shelter Unit. The Emergency Shelter Unit will provide temporary housing to families until they are placed in a traditional shelter program via the Homeless Hotline. The average stay in the Emergency Shelter Unit will be approximately 3 to 5 days. The Emergency Shelter Unit will be in partnership with the Summit County Department of Job and Family Services (SCDJFS) who will financially support the unit annually.

The second, third and fourth floors contain three, identical apartments for a total of 9 apartments in the building.


Total renovation expenses for the Glendora House are $560,000 and we have raised over $500,000 toward this goal.

Since taking possession of the property, we have:

• Installed new windows throughout all four floors of the building.

• Replaced the entire boiler heating system with a brand-new system and new duct work throughout the building.

• Updated the electric system.

• Updated the plumbing system.

• Sealed the asphalt driveway.

• Installed a new roof.

• Installed an external camera system.

• Installed new LED lights for energy conservation throughout the building.

• Completed one apartment which will house the first family starting February 6th!

• Renovation is in progress on the eight remaining apartments.

We are working with Truly Reaching You (TRY) to help with the renovations. TRY is a nonprofit organization that provides a healthy reentry support system for men reconnecting with self, family, and community. Once Glendora House is complete and open, TRY will provide regular maintenance on the building to keep it clean and safe.

Completed Kitchen

Help Finish the Glendora House

You can help us finish the renovations to the Glendora House by donating to our capital campaign. Naming opportunities are available. Contact Laura Shank at laura@familypromisesc.orgor 330.382.5660 for more information.

We are also recruiting volunteers to help with the renovations. If you like putting together furniture, painting, cleaning or organizing, contact Pauline at pauline@familypromisesc.orgor 330.253.8081 to sign-up!

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